
How Much Is Weed Control Service

Updated Apr 21, 2022

Written past HomeAdvisor.

Weeds refer to any number of unwanted plants that grow unchecked on your lawn, ruining the adjourn appeal and your dwelling's value in the process. Maintaining a dense backyard of turfgrass provides a fantastic defense against weeds, merely getting to that point requires some serious unwanted plant removal.

Hiring a local weed control specialist to remove weeds on your property costs an boilerplate of $100 per treatment, and the toll fluctuates according to a number of factors. On the low cease, you'll pay $thirty per treatment, and on the high end, you'll pay as much as $200 per treatment.

Estimating Weed Control Service Costs

Estimating weed control handling costs depends on a number of factors, including the overall size of your lawn, selectivity options, and the methods used for removal.

Lawn or Belongings Size

The overall size of your backyard is the primary cost gene when shopping around for weed command service estimates. You'll pay $xxx to $165 per handling for a lawn of 10,900 square feet or below, which amounts to one-quarter acre. These estimates shoot up to $200 and higher up for larger lawns higher up x,900 square anxiety. If you accept a small-scale lawn of merely 1,000 foursquare feet or and so, you'll pay on the lower end ($30 to $sixty), though task complexity also plays a function.

Weed Removal Method

There are equally many means to remove weeds as there are unwanted plants, and each removal method impacts the overall toll.

  • Weed and feed: A standard "weed and feed" treatment involves a standard fertilization handling mixed with a herbicide. The herbicide removes unwanted weeds as the fertilizer helps desired turfgrass and related plants. You'll pay $30–$80 per application for this service.

  • Postemergence weed control: Equally the name implies, postemergence weed controls handle unwanted plants later on sprouting. You'll pay $65–$100 per application for this service. Pros utilise specialized herbicides for this task, so avoid mowing the lawn for iii days later on treatment. The chemicals also work best during dry periods.

  • Preemergence weed command: Looking to eliminate weeds before they grow and muck upward your lawn? That's where preemergence weed control comes into play. This service costs $70–$110 per handling and catches unwanted plants before they germinate and sprout. Pros apply the appropriate herbicides twice yearly, in early jump to control summertime weeds and in early fall to catch weeds that thrive during the absurd season.

  • Weed pulling: Skillful sometime-fashioned weed pulling charges by the hr, and not per treatment. You'll pay $30–$60 per hour for weed pulling. This method is highly effective for sure types of plants with deep taproots.

4 common weed removal methods, with postemergence control ranging $65 to $100 per treatment

Selectivity Options

You'll pay your pro actress for added selectivity, significant they won't just coating spray your lawn for all weeds. They'll employ a selective herbicide that targets certain unwanted plants. Selective weeding is more expensive than non-selective weeding, at $xl to $140 per treatment. Some treatments include a mix of both selective and non-selective herbicides, depending on your overall landscaping design.


Every bit previously mentioned, manual weed pulling costs $thirty to $lx per hour. Otherwise, most pros charge by the handling, but weed control specialists by and large accuse $xxx to $50 per hour, with the remainder of the estimate going to chemical costs, equipment, and related materials.

Find a Weed Removal Pro Nearly You

Additional Cost Factors

Certain additional factors impact the overall price of weed removal, as this job often pairs with related procedures, and homeowners receive discounts for buying into subscription plans.


Many weed removal companies offer subscription plans that save on the overall cost of repeated treatment. Your savings vary depending on the company and bundle selection just expect a yearly savings of 10% to 15%. These annual subscriptions typically include a warranty, should weeds emerge at whatsoever point during the year. Each programme is different and boosted costs may accumulate for types of plants not covered under your current plan.

Pet-Friendly and Eco-Friendly Options

Organic, eco-friendly, and pet-friendly weed removal options increase your overall price estimate. Organic and eco-friendly chemical blends cost $40 to $165 per treatment, bold an boilerplate-sized backyard, with standard chemic herbicides costing $30 to $120 per treatment. As for pet-friendly treatments, corn gluten repast is a pop pick for animal lovers and costs $50 to $165 per treatment. If concerned for animals on your belongings, talk to your pro and tell them non to apply whatsoever chemical containing glyphosate.

Weed Abatement

Certain states and counties crave lawns to adhere to pre-determined standards regarding grass height and weeds. If your property violates these regulations, you'll pay for a service called weed abatement. This court-ordered procedure focuses primarily on areas of the lawn that fire hazards or present other safety concerns, with weed heights typically above four inches. Weed abatement costs $70 to $120 per treatment.

Backyard Maintenance

Many pros fertilize your lawn as office of their overall service package, only other maintenance jobs impact your overall cost.

  • Weed mats: These mats block sunlight to the weeds while allowing desired plants moisture. Available in iii, 6, and 12-foot widths, you'll pay $xv–$400 per mat depending on the manufacturing fabric (plastic or fabric.)

  • Mowing and maintenance: Hiring a local lawn maintenance proficient to mow and maintain your lawn is often recommended afterward weeding. A professional lawn mowing service costs $50–$200, depending on the size of your backyard and additional maintenance needs.

  • Backyard aeration: Best performed during the preemergence phase, backyard aeration prevents the dispersal of weed seeds throughout your property. Professional aeration is expensive and you lot'll pay $200–$800 per treatment.

  • Mulching: Mulch provides a physical barrier preventing weeds from breaking dormancy and sprouting. Consider mulch an organic version of a weed mat, equally the prime ingredients are pine needles, grass clippings, pecan shells, or other natural compounds. You lot'll pay $150–$400 for a proper mulch treatment.

Remove Weeds Yourself vs. Hire a Professional

Many standard herbicides are bachelor for purchase at hardware stores, specialty shops, and online marketplaces. Still, these chemicals are dangerous if used incorrectly, so amateurs should bone upwardly on relevant reading materials earlier attempting a DIY treatment. Always wear protective gloves and eyewear and work slowly. Additionally, selective weeding requires years of experience and plenty of knowledge regarding lawn-based flora. Weed pulling, on the other mitt, is a great beginning step for budding DIYers.

Weed Command Service FAQs

How do you cull a weed removal service visitor?

First of all, brand sure any potential weed removal service has the license to do the job. Weed-killing chemicals are unsafe and most states and counties require licenses for professional weed command. Check for the appropriate license on the company'south web page, their social media pages, or call and ask them direct. Otherwise, read customer reviews online and look for potential cerise flags at the Better Business Bureau'south company database. Finally, give them a call and ask about their treatment rate, feel level, and client testimonials.

What data should I have fix for the pro?

Accept your m size in total foursquare footage readily available and be sure to tell your pro about any accessibility issues, such every bit rocks, hills, and steep slopes. If you know the blazon or species of undesired plants invading your property, relay that data as it impacts the chemicals used.

You should also ask if they provide the clippings upon request. Many homeowners repurpose these clippings as mulch for various landscaping projects. If asked, requite them a general outline of your daily routine for scheduling purposes, and permit them know whatsoever preferences regarding eco-friendly and pet-friendly weed killers.

Finally, ask them for a repair estimate and a weed removal time frame.

What other jobs should I do at the same fourth dimension?

Become for any and all lawn maintenance jobs before and after hiring a weed removal specialist. This list includes lawn mowing, full general 1000 piece of work, and pest control. This is likewise a adept time to complete any long-standing landscaping projects, such equally finishing up an outdoor herb garden or laying down decorative stones throughout the yard. Basically, outdoor work of whatsoever kind is a not bad lucifer here.

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How Much Is Weed Control Service,


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